Thats right. In the warm months when people are cleaning out their homes, you can find FREE collage gold. I don’t rummage through stank garbage cans like a bum, but I will pull over and check out boxes of junk by the curb. I’ve pulled a mint $40 vintage Spiderman comic book out of the garbage. (I also pulled an old dresser to organize my clippings in.)
Flea Markets
Different flea markets have different vibes. Look for antique and garage style style flea markets where people are unloading their basements. Not all cool books, mags, and comics are collage worthy. Steer clear from “collector” prices and look for things like $1 comics and boxes of old magazines. Again, you will always get a better deal when you buy collections. Offer someone $20 for forty $1 comics and see what happens.
Thrift Shops
Most thrift shops have an area with books. Be sure to check the children’s area/ toys as well for picture books. You may not find big collections or anything super niche, but the price is usually right.
Library Sales
Occasionally libraries have sales where they get rid of old books. Often times you can fill a whole brown bag full of books for around $5. I have had some great scores at library sales.
Craigslist is a great place to find free and inexpensive materials. Be sure to look for posts where people are moving and want stuff “out of their house”.
Garage Sales & Estate Sales
I think estate sales are often over priced. Usually books and magazines are cheap. Timing is super important for events like these. If a garage sale is from 10am-4pm, all the good stuff will likley be taken by 11.
Used Book Stores
Usually when I go to a used book store, I plan on spending more money than I would at the other places I mentioned, but there is a plus. Often used book stores are well curated and you may be able to find some really cool stuff all in one trip. Like libraries, used books stores may have a big sale annually.
Start Your collage hunt Today!
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