David Scott Myers BFA, MLA

David Scott Myers — known as Red Wizard is a psychic medium and visual artist from Buffalo, New York. 

As a psychic medium, Red helps his clients find peace and meaning by providing intuitive insights that illuminate their paths and clarify their life's purpose. 

Through the Grace of Spirit and the wisdom of his Guides, Red helps his clients navigate their journeys with greater clarity, confidence, and inner tranquility.

My Story 

Adopted at birth, I spent my formative years wondering where I “came from”. This fundamental question was integral to my personal experience. I always questioned “Who am I?” and “Where do I come from.”

In my teens and twenties, I studied various religions. The practice of different forms of mysticism became my obsession. Although I am a “believer”, I was never satisfied by blind faith. I made a promise to myself that, if “God” was real, I would see him/her with my own eyes. This commitment I made to myself started years of practice and experimentation. 

“Knock and the door will open”

I have been blessed with the help of several teachers in my life, each coming right when I need them most. I was introduced to the non-dual (advaita vedanta) teachings of great saints like Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharishi. (talk more about my practice).

I knew I was on the right path. 

In 2021 I had a first-hand experience that made a fundamental shift in my perspective, which has forever altered my relationship with the universe and Spirit.

We are all One. Expressions of Infinite Spirit. We are precisely that already. We are Spirit, and the True part of us never dies. Words were whispered into my ears,

“Love is the Truth of Who you are.” 

As the words faded, my guru, who has long since passed away, let out a little cosmic chuckle that seemed to echo in my bones and the stars. A profound peace came over me. 

An Unexpected Visit

Sometimes despite our best efforts, we are oblivious to our gifts, and the universe shakes us up to wake us up. Spirit wants us to grow, to move forward. Sometimes this happens in outstanding ways. 

Despite being robust and outgoing, I always struggled with sticking up for myself and having important conversations. I was a people pleaser my whole life and often to my own personal detriment. I would let myself be taken advantage of, I wouldn’t let my true needs be heard. 

Little did I know that my grandparents—many years deceased—were watching all along. I was in a situation and they just couldn't watch me shy away from responsibility any longer. On a winter evening in 2022, they visited me and gave me words of encouragement. They told me it was time to stick up for myself. For nearly an hour they showed me images and told me stories in my minds-eye. I could feel their presence as if they were in the room with me. They had healing messages for me and other members of my immediate family. 

How I can Help

Mediums get messages from Spirit through various senses called the clairs. As a clairvoyant, my primary sense for communication is visual. The deceased show me images and scenes that are relevant to their lives and your connection to them. 

Your guides are watching you and they want the best for you. Perhaps you have already felt them around you, or you see signs. Little hints from them that let you know that they are with you, always.