Art Inspiration: Jen Stark Paper Sculptures
As I plan on blogging more regularly, I will be posting works of artists that inspire me.
Stunning paper sculptures by Jen Stark. Portal-like structures that transition from geometric to organic shapes. There is also a whimsy to them that reminds me of summer camp crafts.
Although Jen Stark is not a collage artist, she is pushing paper crafts to the extreme. Her ‘origin’ story is unique. While studying abroad she couldn’t afford expensive art supplies so she purchased colored construction paper and started to experiment with it. Eventually, Jen Stark made a splash with a massive art installation: she cut up 1 million pieces of paper.
Jen Stark’s paper sculptures are perfect examples of world-class contemporary works of art. Looking at her work a little closer:
The minutia, its repetition and the bold op-art like colors create an almost spiritual experience. Yet the familiar materials (construction paper, unmixed paint, and holographic craft paper) give the work an innocent playfulness. It’s like a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper came alive and started sprouting its own life forms.
-The Red Wizard